Treatment of infertility
Getting pregnant is not always easy. Currently, one in eight couples have trouble getting pregnant. This number increases to one couple in three after the age of 35. The good news, however, is that reproductive medicine can greatly improve your chances of conceiving.

How can we help you with infertility treatment?
Start with a fertility consultation and we'll work out the rest together.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves the direct placement of sperm into the uterus. Blood tests and ultrasound are essential elements of care.
The IVF cycle lasts approximately one month from the day you start taking the medication until the pregnancy test.
Causes of infertility in women
First of all, you need to realize that infertility is not your fault. There are several reasons why you are not able to conceive and these include advancing age, obstruction, inflammation, congenital malformation of the reproductive organs, endometriosis and various genetic, immunological and hormonal factors. Fortunately, in up to 90% of infertility cases, we are able to detect the cause and cure the infertility.
Infertility is not your fault
Infertility is treatable
Infertility does not determine your family's future

Causes of infertility in men
In 30% of cases of infertility of the couple, the need for treatment is also on the part of the man, and the causes of reduced sperm quality and number are often due to age and lifestyle. However, reasons for male infertility also include obstruction or inflammation of the genital organs and immunological and genetic factors. In only 10% of cases we cannot diagnose the cause of infertility even after comprehensive investigations.
Infertility is not your fault
Infertility is diagnosable
Infertility always has a solution
References of our families
We help you discover the happiness hidden in artificial insemination...
We look forward to seeing you
You can find us at the Horský Park on Búdková 26.The clinic and comfortable parking are located in the direction from Bratislava Castle to Patrónka.
ReproMedica, s.r.o.
Búdkova 26
811 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 7:00-15:30