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100 € benefit from the Trust for superior performance
We have prepared an excellent benefit in cooperation with the health insurance company Dôvera, namely that all its insured are entitled to a discount of 100 € on the above-standard reproductive medicine procedures at our Repromedica clinic 💜.
Slovaks are having fewer and fewer children: even men are struggling, says an expert from a top reproductive clinic
Today we bring you an amazing interview with Dr. Andrea Ďurechová with more than 30 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and assisted reproduction.

PODCAST: Freezing eggs
We will talk about egg freezing with embryologist Mrs. Mgr. Ingrid Straszer.

Livestream of Beauty Seminar with @operenecholec & @milanwtf
Livestream from Beauty seminar with @operenecholec & @milanwtf who also interviewed Dr. Nataliya Roshko from @repromedica

PODCAST: Andrea Ďurechová, MD, PhD from Repromedica Clinic
Today we bring you an amazing interview with Dr. Andrea Ďurechová with more than 30 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and assisted reproduction.

I plan to do it again, admits Alexandra, who donated her eggs.
Thanks to his openness, he also comes up with topics that are not talked about much on Instagram. Sperm donation is common knowledge in society. What we don't hear so much about is egg donation.