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Diagnosis of infertility

Diagnosis of male infertility

For men who want to find out their fertility potential. The examination includes sperm collection and analysis, consultation and possible blood test.

Diagnosis of male infertility

What is the diagnosis of a man?

Diagnosis of male infertility is a comprehensive initial consultation, which includes a spermogram, its diagnosis and consultation of the result. In some cases, it is also necessary to undergo a blood test. You will be guided through the entire process by our expert team. We look forward to seeing you.



Diagnosis of male infertility

Why Repromedica?

The infertility treatment process is primarily a matter of mutual trust, quality assurance and satisfaction. Our strength is the high level of expertise of each team member, along with an emphasis on empathy, helpfulness and understanding of your concerns.

Pleasant environment

Human approach

Expert treatment


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We help you discover the happiness hidden in artificial insemination...

"I can only recommend Repromedica Clinic. Thanks to this amazing team we have our beautiful and healthy daughter at home. Of course, it was not the first time, but we have to count on it as the clinic does not have a "magic wand" that can solve everything. So definitely, when you need help and you want a baby, your steps should be directed to Repromedici."


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"Thank you for the wonderful, human, kind and sensitive approach and really VIP care...after previous bad experiences with Gyn-fiv clinic, I was very pleasantly surprised...❤❤❤"


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"Very happy with the doctor's approach, I don't feel like she pushed me into anything. On the contrary, she discussed all the options and their pros and cons with calmness. Hassle free appointment for the exact time and hassle free parking."


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"Great satisfaction. Thanks to the clinic we are expecting our first baby. Thank you and we can only recommend."


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"Perfect attitude and helpfulness of the staff at the clinic. Definitely recommend!"


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"Thank you to the entire Repromedica team for making our baby girl's first implantation possible!
It couldn't have happened without them."


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Diagnosis of male infertility

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Visit Us
We look forward to seeing you

You can find us at the Horský Park on Búdková 26.The clinic and comfortable parking are located in the direction from Bratislava Castle to Patrónka.

ReproMedica, s.r.o.

Búdkova 26
811 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 7:00-15:30

Diagnosis of male infertility

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most common questions from our patients. If we have forgotten any of them, feel free to get in touch.

How does a spermiogram work?

This is the simplest examination of male fertility, which is carried out under a microscope. Thanks to this examination, the number, mobility and shape of the sperm itself are monitored. The properties of the ejaculate such as viscosity, colour, rate of liquefaction or Ph are also detected.

The course of the examination:

We recommend 2- 3 days of sexual abstinence before collection, to obtain the most optimal result. The collection takes place in a designated room in our clinic. In exceptional cases it is possible to collect the sample at your home, it is necessary to deliver it to the clinic within one hour after the collection. At our clinic you will be presented with a sterile container in which the ejaculate will be stored (at room temperature) for the duration of the transfer to the clinic. However, for optimal results, we recommend that the collection is performed at our clinic.

For the results of the spermogram, you can come in the day after the collection. Your results will be handed to you at the reception desk upon presentation of your ID.

Diagnosis of male infertility is standardized by the World Health Organization (WHO 2010), where a spermogram (SPG) with diagnosis of sperm morphology is classified as the basic examination in a man. This is the very primary examination of the couple and there is no point in carrying out any other examinations especially in a woman unless the result of the partner's SPG is known. We are the only one in Slovakia to have introduced a standardized semen analysis, which we perform in accordance with WHO (2010) using a PC analyzer "MedeaLab CASA".

Advantages of the system:

  • Objectification of SPG assessment (sperm concentration, motility and morphology)
  • SPG result generation in seconds
  • recording and storing each SPG result for possible re-analysis of the sample or comparison with the next test
What factors reduce a man's fertility?

In some men, the quality of sperm deteriorates due to a poor lifestyle. These may then be unable to reach the egg or have a limited ability to penetrate the egg and fertilise it.

But other factors can also reduce a man's fertility:

  • such as genetic load,
  • immune response,
  • hormone production disorder,
  • obstruction of the outlets,
  • inability to ejaculate,
  • inflammatory diseases of the male genital tract, etc.

Thus, male fertility is primarily dependent on the quality, number and movement of sperm.

What is sperm DNA fragmentation?

Under the influence of stress, the environment, medication or free radicals, the production and quality of sperm is significantly affected. Sometimes to such an extent that the DNA (genetic material) of the sperm is damaged to such an extent that it reduces the likelihood of fertilization of the egg and proper division of the embryo, failure of the embryo to nest in the uterus and frequent spontaneous abortions. The solution to this problem is to examine the chromatin integrity (DNA fragmentation) of sperm.

Who is this examination for?

  • for couples where no other cause of infertility has been confirmed
  • for those who have undergone repeated IVF cycles - without success
  • for couples with recurrent spontaneous miscarriages, missed miscarriages or biochemical pregnancies
  • for couples where the partner has been treated for varicocele
  • for couples where repeatedly elevated leukocyte values are found in the partner's spermogram
What is MESA/TESE?

In the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, it is possible to obtain them surgically directly from the testicles and epididymis of the man.

MESA (Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) - microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration directly from the epididymis of a man, in case of a violation of sperm transport between the epididymis and the urethra and in the case when sperm accumulate in the epididymis after the closure of the fallopian tube.

TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) - testicular sperm extraction, i.e. the extraction of sperm directly from the testicles, the extracted tissue is processed in the laboratory, evaluating the presence of sperm. The sperm obtained is used to fertilise the partner's oocytes using the ICSI method or the sperm is frozen.

Have we forgotten your question?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer everything.

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