And would it help if I found a younger woman?
The embryologist was also faced with such an absurd question when she told the patient that he did not have a good spermogram.
Not only male fertility is going down, but with it the attitude of the stronger sex to the fact: I am to blame for the fact that my partner and I are not having a child. However, in defense of men, an embryologist from ReproMedica reproductive medicine clinic says that they are already more willing to accept the truth and deal with the problem constructively.
However, the male ego must still be bruised at the news that the spermogram is not one hundred percent.
What kind of reactions do you encounter?
Some men are reconciled, they take it matter-of-factly and sportingly with the fact that there is, after all, the option of assisted reproduction. But there are also those who hardly bear every small change or deviation in the spermogram. They watch all the parameters, search for the causes, ask how to improve the results. But most of all, they are looking for an answer to the question of where the cause is.
In women?
It doesn't happen often, but there are men who insist that the fault is not with them, despite the obviously unfavourable result of the examination. I have even encountered the question: If I had found a younger partner, would it have helped? We talked to the gentleman for a long time, but he never came to the clinic again, even though we of course recommended a follow-up spermogram. We have learned to expect different reactions.
The man in question at least came for an examination, but some do not even cross the threshold of the assisted reproduction centre. They are terrified by the thought of a nurse in the corridor pressing a collection cup into their hands and them going into a small room to hand over their genetic material in front of everyone waiting. At least that's how the movie scenes portray it. How true are they?
There are still many men who bypass their problem for a long time. But an act such as ejaculate collection and spermogram examination, they really do not have to worry. We have a collection room on a separate floor. They can be there in absolute privacy and comfort for as long as they need, even two or three hours. If necessary, even with a partner.
Sometimes there is a misconception among men that the removal is carried out by so-called electroejaculation, that is, with the help of a device. In fact, it is a painful procedure, so it must be performed by a doctor mostly under anaesthesia and only in indicated cases. Men also ask why they cannot bring a sample from home. We only allow this exceptionally when someone has a really big block to hand over the ejaculate at the clinic.
What does a spermogram actually reveal about a man?
In order for sperm to be able to fertilize eggs, they must have certain parameters. It is the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, their number in a milliliter, the number of motile sperm, the speed of movement and their shape. We have introduced sperm analysis using a computer analyser that shows the result within a few seconds and saves it with a video recording. And not only that. It can also detect the speed of movement and the exact shape of the sperm, which is not possible with conventional microscopic examination. Today, we can also look inside the sperm head and "read" the quality of the genetic material it carries. Sometimes the DNA is so damaged that it not only reduces the likelihood of fertilization of the egg, the proper division of the embryo, but causes frequent spontaneous abortions.

What harms sperm?
Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders and athletes who have taken them often have severe spermiogram disorders in which not a single sperm is present in the ejaculate. Neither sperm count nor sperm motility is benefited by overheating of the testicles, which is why we do not like to see laptops in the lap, tight clothing, excessive sauna bathing or long sitting. One cautious man also asked about sunbathing. If it's not too often, the body can cope with it. Spermatogenesis is also sensitive to antibiotics or popular painkillers.
Is it true that they don't even like lube?
Lubricants do not make friends with sperm, they damage them and slow down their speed, just like saliva. Some lubricating gels also contain spermicides, which are substances that kill sperm. Their use is forbidden when it comes to collecting ejaculate to be examined for a spermiogram. However, regular, even daily, sex should be beneficial to their quality production.
Any saving and storage of sperm in the body makes them lazier and unwilling to penetrate the egg. In any case, we recommend maintaining two to five days of sexual abstinence before the spermogram.
The flu season is already haunting.
Can viruses and infections somehow affect childbearing efforts?
Even the common cold will negatively affect the spermiogram. When the man recovers, everything returns to normal within two months, if he was fine before. However, some diseases cause irreversible damage, for example, diabetes or mumps in teenage years, oncological diseases.
Irreversible changes are caused by cancer treatment - especially radiotherapy, which can cause irreversible changes to chromosomes; after chemotherapy, the outlook is better. Therefore, before cancer treatment, we recommend freezing the sperm, storing it in a sperm bank. By the way, the trend of so-called "social freezing", which is a term for the preventive freezing of sperm for later use in family planning, is beginning to prevail in the world.
Young healthy men have their sperm frozen for a "rainy day" so that they can enjoy life happily. When they want to start a family in their forties and there happens to be a problem, they have an insurance policy. We do a "social freezing" prevention program too.
There is a lot of talk about diet as a cure-all for everything.
What should women cook for their men if they want children?
We know that being overweight and obese negatively affects sperm count and motility, so no belly for dinner is what gentlemen need. A higher percentage of body fat also leads to excessive estrogen production. A varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals is to be preferred. Fertility can also be "kick-started" by antioxidants contained in, for example, citrus fruits, peppers, spinach and tomatoes. They can regulate the influence of free radicals. The menu should also be enriched with zinc, which promotes the production of testosterone and therefore the sperm count.
A selenium deficiency may be to blame for the reduction in their numbers. Vitamin C will promote their motility, vitamin E will improve the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg. Ginseng and royal jelly will also increase sperm motility. It is important not to forget about the drinking regime.

Much has been said about the impact of stress on physical problems. Isn't it a bit overrated?
No. It is especially visible in students, sperm donors. If they come during the exam period, the above average spermiogram parameters drop to below average. Out of forty million sperm in a millilitre of ejaculate, suddenly there are only three million, moreover, few motile ones. The testing period passes and all is well.
In connection with the low sperm count, it should be remembered that it takes only one sperm, even a lazy one, to fertilize an egg, so even with spermiogram disorders, I dare not claim that a partner will never become pregnant naturally. However, the probability is very low. But there is also an elegant method available, in which a thin micropipette is used to inject sperm directly into the egg. And after eighteen hours to see if the miracle has succeeded.